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How to get iPhone Emoji Battery

Custom “Battery Icon” is available for IPhone. Add a smile to your battery Here is a free instruction how to get custom battery Open a new tab and search for cydiabox.com Install Cydia and open the app. It has many custom…

How to get LockScreen Emoji

How to get LockScreen Emoji is available for iPhone.  Here is a free instruction how to get LockScreen Emoji Open a new tab and search for cydiabox.com Install Cydia and open the app. It has many custom tricks for IPhone,…

How to Draw to Unlock iPhone

Draw to Unlock iPhone is available for iPhone. Here is a free instruction how to get Custom Unlock iPhone Open a new tab and search for cydiabox.com Install Cydia and open the app. It has many custom tricks for IPhone,…

Always on Display on any iPhone

Always on Display is available for any iPhone now. Set in 5 seconds Here is a free instruction how to add Always on Display on any iPhone on iPhone: Go to cydiabox.com and open the main page. Install Cydia and open…

EarPods Animation

Custom EarPods animation is available for iPhone now. Set in 5 seconds Here is a free instruction how to add EarPods animation on iPhone: Go to cydiabox.com and open the main page. Install Cydia and open the app. Add source…

See who is typing

Who is typing a message is available for iPhone now. Set in 5 seconds ̬ Here is a free instruction how to add charging animation on iPhone: Go to cydiabox.com and open the main page. Install Cydia and open the…

Set custom charging animation

̬ Here is a free instruction how to add charging animation on iPhone: Go to cydiafree.com and open the main page. Install Cydia and open the app. It has many custom tricks for IPhone, so use the search to find…

Add emoji to iPhone time

Here is a free instruction how to add a rainbow smile: Go to cydiabox.com and open the main page. Install Cydia and open the app. It has many custom tricks for IPhone, so use the search to find ”iOS screen…